One Source for All Aspects of Your Finances
When you're in control of your finances and have access to helpful information, you can do great things in life.
That's why we're here – to provide everything you need to do just that.
Dig into our digital library of financial literacy articles addressing various popular subjects. Check out our schedule of in-branch classes that
are free of charge and feature guest speakers explaining all the details of specific topics. As always, tap into our digital resources that
let you manage your finances on your time, online or through your mobile device.
And when you open a CUTX checking account, you also have access to tools that let you track your spending habits and monitor your credit score.

Tools To Help You Do More
- Bill Pay
- Budget & Spending Tracking
- Transaction Alerts
- Credit Score & Credit score Simulation (for Secure and Secure Plus)
More Knowledge Can Pay Off
When it comes to your finances, learning is a beneficial, ongoing journey. We support you with a library of helpful articles, free in-branch workshops and other resources to help you create a plan to reach your goals.
Banking Made Easier
Download the all-new CUTXMOBILE* app to manage your finances at your convenience. Breeze through payments, transfers, and check deposits with just a few taps. Quickly sign-in using a 4-digit passcode. Apply for a credit card, a personal loan, or membership, or find your closest ATM or branch.