Free up funds for any reason. We make it easy to get some financial flexibility you need this month.
- Skip one qualified loan payment each year1 and put it to use where it can help you
- Make sure your loan is current—not more than 20 days past due, or paid ahead more than 40 days
- Once you make at least four payments, you can request to skip a payment
- Request your skip at least three days before your payment is due
- Shares/checking cannot be negative
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1. All signers on the account must agree. We accept payments at any time, however, extra payments will not change the due date of the next scheduled loan payment. Interest will accrue during the skip pay period and when payments resume, unpaid interest will be collected first. A $50 fee for loan payments will apply. In all other respects, the provisions of the original agreement remain in full form and effect. This may/will affect Credit Life and Disability Coverage, GAP, or Mechanical Breakdown Coverage on your loan. Please refer to your contract. Members with NSF/Overdraft with over 20 days due or overdraft balance over $800 do not qualify. Members cannot have any charge-offs with the credit union. Members are only allowed one Skip-A-Payment every twelve months per loan. Members must provide a valid mailing address. Certain restrictions apply. Loan types that do not qualify for a Skip-A-Payment include Secured and Platinum Mastercards, Commercial Loans and Business Mastercards, Home Equity Loans, HELOCs, Personal Lines of Credit, Flex Loans, leases, and loans included in a bankruptcy. By participating in the Skip-A-Payment program, you authorize CUTX to advance your loan due date by one month on the eligible loan(s) you select and acknowledge that this may extend the maturity date of your loan(s).