It pays to find a credit card with a competitive rates. You'll cut down on interest charges, giving you more to spend on the better things in life.
- No annual fees*
- No annual or balance transfer fee*
Easier approval process
Requires a minimum deposit
Helps build credit
Can re-establish shaky credit
Backed by a major credit card brand
Accepted everywhere MasterCard is accepted
- Easily manage your account online and through our mobile app
- Track your spending, set a budget, pay your bill and more
- Mastercard ID Theft Protection and Resolution Services**
Questions? We can help.
Monday - Friday 9AM - 6PM
and Saturday 10AM - 2PM CST

Talk to an Account Specialist
(214) 818-3231

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Financial CalculatorsSecured Credit Cards FAQs
You have a couple of options. Either apply online here or stop by one of our branches.
To electronically pay your CUTX credit card from your external account:
- Log in to CUTX online banking at cutx.org or our mobile app.
- Select your CUTX credit card from Accounts and then select Card Details.
- Add your pay from routing instructions (routing and full account number) to ensure you are ready to schedule payments. After you add your account, you can schedule your first payment after 5 calendar days.
- Schedule your payment.
To electronically pay your CUTX credit card from your CUTX account:
- Log in to CUTX Online Banking at www.cutx.org or the mobile app.
- Select the Transfers option to make a transfer.
- Select the “From” account and “To” account (CUTX credit card). After you schedule your payment, it can take 1 to 2 calendar days for the payment to process.
To pay your CUTX credit card by mail (check payment only):
Mail your check payment to:
P.O. Box 660493, Dallas, TX 75266-0493
Please note that when you mail your payment via check (either by check or by a bill pay service issuing a check), mail delivery times can cause delays if you are approaching your payment due date. If any questions on other payment options available, please contact us at (972) 263-9497.
Have questions on how to make your payment?
Please contact us at (214) 818-3231 or (800) 627-0006 should you have any questions about how to make your CUTX credit card payment. Our team is here to assist.
Payment Protection is a great way to protect you and your family when the unexpected happens. This voluntary protection program is designed to help you get relief from payments when you need it most after you're laid off, you become disabled, or worse. It's easy to enroll. Just call us at 972-705-4804.
Your purchase of Payment Protection is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a credit card. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative, or refer to the Member Agreement for a full explanation of the terms of Payment (Debt) Protection. You may cancel the protection at any time. If you cancel protection within 30 days you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.
Act quickly by calling 1-866-604-8156 anytime to report your card lost or stolen. We'll freeze your card and help you get a new one to protect your account. A new PIN will be assigned to your debit card, which you can change after you receive our PIN mailer.
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(214) 818-3231
Ready to apply?
Apply online now or get started if you need assistance with your application.
Are you eligible for membership? See our Membership Eligibility