CUTX Call to Action
Published June 7, 2020

Dear CUTX Family,
We find ourselves searching for adequate words to express the profound sadness we feel in light of recent events in our country. Our hearts are heavy over the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, as well as countless others. As we continue to watch the news and scroll through social media feeds addressing police brutality and systemic racism, we have determined that silence is complacency. We must be willing to speak out to fight racial injustice. We must take action.
Our company values diversity and inclusion. I look forward to starting new conversations, learning from your personal experiences and applying all necessary changes. CUTX has created a Human Rights committee. Their first initiative will be to implement a Human Rights Policy for CUTX. Since opening in 1931, our company has built a reputation on trust and respect in the communities we serve, and we are committed to earning that trust with a policy that represents the highest standards of integrity and excellence.
Because actions speak louder than words, CUTX will donate a total of $100,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative and to the NAACP and their legal defense fund to help promote social justice reform. In addition, we will open an account for employees and members to make donations to the fund should they desire to do so.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote, “Racism in America is like dust in the air. It seems invisible — even if you’re choking on it — until you let the sun in. Then you see it’s everywhere. As long as we keep shining that light, we have a chance of cleaning it wherever it lands. But we have to stay vigilant, because it’s always still in the air.” While racism takes many forms, we stand firmly to say that we will not tolerate racism of any kind at CUTX.
We must come together. This is not a time for division, but a time to UNITE. Together we will make a difference.
V. Eric Pointer